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2020 LEGO  Contest is cancelled

I am so sorry to break this news and am sending this notice to my several email lists that include people who have already registered, who still intend to register, or who have registered in the past or shown an interest in the program.


Unfortunately we were notified late this past Thursday afternoon that our venue for the event was eliminated.  NewsBank, the corporation that has generously allowed us for many years to hold our annual LEGO Contest at its spacious Conference Center, called me to say that because of concern about the Coronavirus and the safety of NewsBank employees, NewsBank was canceling all public events effective immediately and until some unknown time in the future when the virus was no longer a concern.  The Conference Center is now closed to the public, and I may not hold the LEGO Contest there on Saturday March 14. No discussion, and the NewsBank representative clearly understood the predicament she was placing me in.


Those of you who have participated before, and especially if recently, know the large number of people of all ages that gather in one room for the contest.  Finding a sufficiently large accommodation gratis and at the last minute would be very difficult, but more importantly, if NewsBank was concerned for its employees, how could St. Luke’s Church not show concern for the families attending.  Reports and conditions are changing daily with no guaranteed relief in sight, so postponement was not an option – especially as spring is coming, and sports and outdoor play will take precedence.  Holding the event – given the circumstances – would seem irresponsible.  The three nurses who volunteer each year to work the event all agreed that the event should be canceled.  We dare not take the chance of someone getting ill from what is a joyful contest.  Therefore the event is officially canceled for this year.


I have already bought all the prizes and other supplies, so we will be organized for next year, whose date is always around the same time in March.  Let’s all hope the virus will not be as serious as some fear, but let’s all do everything we can to minimize exposure to germs and concentrate on keeping safe and well.


I apologize for the disappointment and inconvenience, and will be returning checks to those who have sent them.


Best wishes for a healthy and happy spring. 

Lillian Willis, Registrar

St. Luke’s 2020 LEGO Contest


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